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The Therapist

My origins are French, Spanish and Italian, this explosive mixture (besides being born in 1966, Chinese year of the fire horse) and adventurous took me to travel, to discover other worlds inside me (study, meditation, personal therapy ...) and outside (travel, activities in nature, I have lived in France, Spain, Brazil and Portugal ...). In 1995, I created my own Transpersonal psychotherapy consultation Center where I provide consultations to adults, couples, families and groups. I have also followed women in their inner journey for many years.


My goal is to: monitor and facilitate the existential Journey in a holistic vision of the human being.



The Founder

It was in 2005 that started my passion for horses and ponies. I've made several trainings in various areas of equine therapy in Brazil, France, Spain, Portugal and USA that led me to finally create my own project: Quinta do cavalo Kiron and my own methodology of psychotherapy, Coaching and Learning assisted by horses I have called Kiron ® Method. For 18 years, we attended daily sessions for diverse public (children, teenagers, adults, families, couples, groups and corporations) that could benefit from this type of innovative approach. In 2014, we have created a non profit association. Since March 2016, Unesco Portugal elected us UNESCO.Club Kiron




The Trainer and the Writer

Since 2010, the Kiron Method® is a certified training in Portugal for health professionals, coaches and therapists. Since 2022, the method is taught in Brazil and worldwide.


In 2008, Ariana Publisher (Portugal) invited me to write a book that summarizes my work of long years with women in therapeutic terms through the psychology of feminine archetypes. Consequently, the book O feminine reencontrado-the woman in the inner journey- was created. In 2023, the book was relaunched by the Mahatma edition.

Then, in 2016, I wrote "The horse therapist, my journey with horses" where I present my method and describe my own journey with horses. 


Now: I teach Kiron Method® worldwide, give supervision for professional and student. Also, preparing a formation in equine assisted interventions for addictions issues.

These projects are just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible jobs, click on "Let's talk". 
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